Rose & Spring Cut Flower Exhibition-2024

Rose & Spring Cut Flower Exhibition-2024

Islamabad Club Horticulture Committee organized the "Rose & Spring Cut Flower Exhibition-2024" at Multipurpose Hall of Islamabad Club on Sunday 28th April 2024, wherein various leading organizations and institution of twin cities participated in the event and displayed their flower décor of multiple kinds.
The main purpose of the show is to provide a healthy environment to the Islamabad Club Members and their Families and provide them the knowledge of plants and flowers .Large number of Horticulture enthusiasts, members and their families visited the show and admired the work of contributing organizations and horticulture team of Islamabad Club.
Convener Horticulture, Islamabad Club, Dr. Pervez Ahsan Khan and the Chief guest Mr.Sajid Qamar, Rector COMSATS University distributed the shields and certificates among the winners ups and participants of the event